The Spirit of Animals
My family has always been a lover of animals. I can remember growing up as a child and always being surrounded by some kind of animal spirit. One of my earliest memories is of a small black kitten my mother had gotten for me. I remember I loved him so much even as a young child as I was I still felt a spiritual connection to the kitten. Which is why I truly believe I remember him to this day. Later we had more dogs. All were so loving and kind, they only wished to be loved nothing more. Animals being domesticated have ancient beginnings of assistance with farming, travel or heavy lifting. Which many would say was out of necessity and that they were created for our use. I often wonder what life would’ve been like for them had they been wild and free. To intervene in their lives we must ensure we do nothing but enrich it and give them peace.
Spirit Animals are so complex and intelligent that their destiny of pulling carts, children at fairs and playing catch with the family seems to lack fulfillment. There are amoeba smaller than the human eye can recognize and they serve a huge purpose within the sea biochemistry; no one would know they exist. Carnivorous predatory animals consume pounds of flesh from other animals and it's simply the circle of life. I'm simply stating if a human chooses to be in an animal’s life that total enrichment be the only purpose otherwise that spirit animal should be left free to exist without any human interference. I feel more harm than good has been done for the sake of science through observation and study. I understand we desire to learn from them and observe to do so but why is it that respect for animals becomes secondary to science?
Animals are conscious beings. I’m sure you know that already if you’ve owned a dog or cat. It’s clear they’re aware of themselves, make decisions, are emotionally aware and observe us and can read our human emotions and interact with their environment. Yes their consciousness may be different from ours as they are truly one with the Earth at all times. They aren’t plugged into the matrix. Perhaps our consciousness would differ as well. A group of people that live in a remote tribe think quite differently versus a family in the heart of a tourist bustling big city. Humans tend to measure everything in a measure of ourselves but if a being from another galaxy visited us they may actually choose your dog or cat as the conscious one. There’s a lot to be learned from animals however what is it all for if we continue treating their habitats and our habitat, the Earth as a landfill? The next time you cross paths with a dog, insect or bird, if you connect eyes, send positive energy. Think what it must be like from their perspective living in a world of humans. If you’re a pet owner what are you exposing them to, what is their quality of life, how can we as humans make a difference?
~In Loving Tribute to my only kitten, Gizmo, Max, Dutchess and Debo. ~
Dutchess was our beloved pitbull who is featured in the image for this article.